
“From Classroom to Wellness Champion: Ms. Kokilavani's Transformative Journey”

For over 20 years, Ms.Kokilavani grappled with diabetes, her days dictated by the rhythm of insulin injections. Witnessing the toll on her own health awakened a burning desire for freedom, not just for herself, but for others trapped in the shadows of poor health.

Leaving behind textbooks for nutrition guides, Ms.Kokilavani then a high school teacher, embarked on a global quest for wellness wisdom.* From the ancient techniques of Ayurveda to cutting-edge nutrition science in six diverse countries, she built a tapestry of holistic wellness. This self-discovery wasn't just about shedding weight (over 28 kgs!), it was about reclaiming joy in movement, boundless confidence, and a life unchained from needles.

Empowered by her own transformation, Ms. Kokilavani became a beacon of hope for over 5,400 individuals.* As a certified coach, she tailors personalized plans, guiding people towards sustainable weight loss and reclaiming their health. Her expertise extends beyond charts and numbers; she is a community champion, leading workshops, inspiring mindful eating, and igniting a passion for wellness in others. Ms. Kokilavani is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the transformative power of holistic living.

”A chief engineer with 35 years of excellence at TANGEDCO turned wellness coach, has redefined wellness”

Inspired by his wife's health journey and a thirst for knowledge, he embarked on a global quest for wellness wisdom. He honed his expertise in sports nutrition through intensive training programs in Australia, Portugal, Hong Kong, and Thailand, becoming a certified coach with unique insights from diverse perspectives.

Mr. Sathiaseelan's expertise empowers individuals of all levels, from weight-management beginners to marathon-chasing athletes. He crafts personalized plans, fueling their journeys to achieve their fitness goals and unlock their full potential.

Driven by a deep commitment to community well-being, Mr. Sathiaseelan helps people through personalized nutrition plans, stress management techniques, and a supportive community. He believes in connecting health with entrepreneurship, creating opportunities for others to join his mission of making wellness accessible to all.

Mr. Sathiaseelan embodies the message “It's never too late to embrace a healthier, happier you and contribute to a thriving community”.

”Imagine a world where healthy habits feel like playground adventures and healthy eating habits becomes the coolest sidekick” That's the world Mr. Arvindharaj, a sparkling child nutrition specialist, creates for his young clients.

This engineer-turned-wellness-coach brings more than just a specialized degree in nutrition to the table. He's a whirlwind of playful energy, trained in Singapore, Thailand, and Hong Kong, blending cutting-edge knowledge with unique, innovative methods that make getting healthy a thrilling quest.

Mr. Arvindharaj is analytical and results-oriented, a master architect crafting personalized plans that help kids blossom into their healthiest, happiest selves.

He believes wellness isn't a lecture, it's a journey. He walks alongside his young clients, celebrating every victory, big or small, making sure the path is paved with laughter, discovery, and a heaping spoonful of fun.

So, if you're looking for a child nutrition specialist who can make healthy choices the coolest adventure ever, look no further than Mr.Arvindharaj !

”Leveraging an engineering background and her passion for wellness” Mrs. Pradiksha has carved a remarkable career as a certified fitness instructor and corporate wellness consultant.

For over eight years, she has empowered individuals and organizations to achieve their fitness goals and cultivate sustainable healthy habits.

As a champion of women's health, she focuses on a critical yet often overlooked area: postpartum rehabilitation and fitness.Drawing from her own transformative journey through motherhood, she guides other women to regain their strength, confidence, and well-being after childbirth.

Her personalized approach is her cornerstone. Mrs. Pradiksha meticulously tailors fitness and wellness programs to each client's unique needs, goals, and lifestyle. Whether navigating corporate stress or navigating postpartum challenges, she provides expert guidance and unwavering support, paving the path to a healthier, happier individual.

Mrs. Pradiksha is a testament to the power of resilience and dedication.If you seek a transformative approach to fitness and well-being, look no further than Mrs. Pradiksha. Partner with her and witness the architect within shaping not just your physique, but your entire health and well-being journey.

Feeling lost in life's labyrinth? Lalitha, your friendly guide, offers a safe haven.

For over four years, she's helped teens and adults navigate life's twists and turns. Her practice is a cozy corner where worries melt away and hope blooms anew. No judgments, just open ears and a kind smile - that's Lalitha.

Everyone's path is unique, so Lalitha designs personalized journeys. Think of it like a tailor-made dish, seasoned with different therapy styles to perfectly suit your needs. She's a keen observer, seeing what words can't say, and a patient listener who lets you unfold your story at your own pace. Together, you'll shed new light on your experiences, reframing the corners of your world.

Lalitha believes a healthy mind needs a healthy body. So, whether it's a heart-pumping workout or a calming walk in nature, she'll help you find your source of joy and resilience. Taking the first step can be daunting, but Lalitha walks beside you, cheering you on every step of the way

Ready to build a brighter future? Lalitha awaits with open arms and a warm heart. Together, you can unveil your inner peace and build a life filled with fulfillment, one empowered step at a time

About Us : Mission

“Empowering 1 million people to unlock vibrant health by 2030”

We achieve this by:

Fueling healthy transformations: Personalized nutrition plans for weight management, ideal weight, and radiant skin.

Igniting active spirits:  Dynamic fitness programs for all ages and abilities.

Nurturing resilient minds: Compassionate support to embrace mental and emotional well-being.

We believe in:

Harmonious balance:  Nourishing your body, engaging in physical activity, and nurturing your mind.

Empowering others:  Creating 100,000 young entrepreneurs in the wellness industry.

Building a healthier world: One vibrant life at a time.